Registration and Match Fees

We are a not-for-profit club, and so we charge fees to cover organisational costs and no more.

Annual registration fees for players are £60 (reduced to £50 if paid by 1st September) or £30 for concessions (students / unemployed).

To register as a NEW player please follow this form.

To pay your subs as a current or previous player please follow this form.

Annual membership fees for supporters of OTFC are £25. Supporters receive an OTFC branded scarf or tie as a thank you gift. To register as a supporter please follow this form.

Match fees for registered players are as follows:

81 to 90 mins – £12
46 to 80 mins – £9
Up to 45 mins – £6

Students / Unemployed / Concessions – £6

The FA allows for rolling substitutes in the leagues and cup competitions we participate in, and so we endeavour to give everyone a good run-out.